The famous ginger cookies from the bachelorette party... they have also seen success at Ole Bells and Bells of the Lakes rehearsals/performances/events, at work and at family Christmas! Enjoy!
(This one is hard to part with, as it has become sort of my specialty and I might be giving away my "edge," but I trust that if you make them, you'll at least think happy thoughts of me... and I'm a firm believer in recipe sharing rather than recipe secrecy, because who knows when one of you will make these delicious little cookies and I'll get to eat them!?)
The ingredients:
½ cup shortening
½ cup molasses
1 egg
½ cup sugar
2 ¼ cups flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cloves
½ tsp nutmeg
Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
(before and after... by the way, this combination of spices smells DELICIOUS!)
Cream moist ingredients, then add to dry ingredients.
Chill dough.
Roll into small balls (about 1 inch in diameter) and roll in sugar, then place on a baking sheet. You don't need to leave much room around each ball; they stay pretty small.
Bake at 300 degrees for 10 minutes, then remove from oven.
Pat down each cookie, then sprinkle with sugar and pat down again.
There you go! Repeat until you run out of dough (obviously)!
Note: store in a sealed container so that they stay nice and chewy!
The baby ginger cookies! They're so tempting because they're so small! One may not count but five sure do.
:-) that's how i advertise them... "want a ginger cookie? they're small, so they don't count!" haha.
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